Global Compliance

Global Compliance

Message from the President on Global Compliance

Our Group purpose is “fulfilling each individual’s dreams through the creation of a reassuring and comfortable living environment,” as well as fulfilling our social responsibilities and providing safety and peace of mind to consumers through the performance of our business activities.

In order to build trust as the foundation of our Group’s business, it is essential that we ensure the safety and quality of our products and services, incorporate environmental considerations, provide highly transparent business processes and risk management that comply with laws and regulations, and conduct fair and correct disclosure of corporate information. Therefore, our Group established a Compliance Code consisting of 24 items, and requires all Group officers and employees inside and outside Japan to act in accordance with the code.

The number of cases of bribery of public officials and others as well as cartels and other actions that impede fair competition are increasing globally. Our Group operates in countries with extremely high incidence of such risks, making compliance and risk management in the world even more urgent.

These violations not only cause the company or person concerned to be punished, they also corrupt public officials and other people in the country, discourage free competition in the economy, and hinder overall social development. Hence, such wrongdoings go against our Group purpose.

We at Tokyu Group will conduct our global business activities with a strong commitment not to choose unfair means to gain profit, to comply with laws and regulations in any situation, and not to allow unlawful involvement for any reason.

President and Representative Director

Mitsuhiro Terada

Basic Policy on Global Compliance

Our Group (which refers to our company and its subsidiaries) has established the following basic policy in order to prevent bribery of public officials and others, as well as cartels and other violations in conducting global business. We will implement this policy across Group officers and employees as well as our business partners.

  1. Our Group will comply with the Unfair Competition Prevention Act in Japan, the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), the United Kingdom Bribery Act (UKBA), and other laws regulating bribery in the relevant countries; and it will not offer any benefit to foreign public officials in order to obtain profit unlawfully.
  2. Our Group will comply with the Anti-Monopoly Act in Japan, the U.S. Sherman Act, and any other laws and regulations on private monopoly, unfair business practices, and improper transactions of other relevant countries; and it will conduct business activities in accordance with the principles of fair market competition.
  3. For compliance and risks in global business activities, our Group will develop the Global Compliance Program (the “Program”) under the leadership of top management, and will establish and maintain a mechanism to comply with laws and regulations set forth above through operating the Program.
  4. Our Group will establish an internal system to manage and operate the Program, as well as develop a consultation and whistleblowing system, an educational system, and an internal audit system in order to make the Program more effective.
  5. Our Group will invest in the necessary management resources to manage and operate the Program, and it will evaluate and review the Program’s mechanism on a regular basis.
  6. Our Group will not place orders with companies that violate laws and regulations related to the ones set forth above.