- Environmental
- Social
- Governance
Environmental Data
1. Reporting Policy
Scope of calculations Calculations cover Tokyu Construction Co., Ltd. and its Seven consolidated subsidiaries inside and outside Japan*1, 2. However, data for which the scope of calculation differs is annotated individually. Reporting period Each fiscal year covers the one year period from April 1 to March 31 of the following year. Third-Party Assurance The environmental performance data for fiscal year 2023 marked with have received limited assurance from Ernst & Young ShinNihon LLC. Notation of figures in tables Figures in tables are rounded to the nearest whole number 1:(Subsidiaries in Japan) Token Industry Co., Ltd., Tokyu Renewal Co., Ltd., Kawamura Sekisan CO., LTD., (Subsidiaries outside Japan) PT. TOKYU CONSTRUCTION INDONESIA,GOLDEN TOKYU CONSTRUCTION CO., LTD.,TC Pacific Construction, LLC,INDOCHINE ENGINEERING LIMITED
2:Figures for subsidiaries in FY2018 have been estimated by multiplying Tokyu Construction’s unconsolidated results by the net sales ratio. From FY2019 onwards, with some exceptions, calculations have been based on actual results at subsidiaries.
FY2022, calculations were based on the actual performance values of all subsidiaries.2. Third-party assurance
Ernst & Young ShinNihon LLC has carried out limited assurance of the environmental performance data for FY2023 marked with an .
Independent Assurance Report3. Environmental Performance Data
3-1. Greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions
(Fiscal Year)
Indicator Unit 2018
(Base year)2020 2021 2022 2023 Scope1*3 Tokyu Construction Group t-CO2 33,141 35,694 37,620 35,159 35,110 Tokyu Construction t-CO2 33,084 33,364 34,798 33,463 33,701 Subsidiaries t-CO2 57 2,330 2,822 1,695 1,408 Scope2 Tokyu Construction Group t-CO2 12,983 10,782 6,000 6,707 2,877 Tokyu Construction t-CO2 12,652 10,293 5,497 5,932 2,463 Subsidiaries t-CO2 331 489 503 774 414 Total (Scope 1+2) Tokyu Construction Group t-CO2 46,123 46,475 43,620 41,865 37,987 Tokyu Construction t-CO2 45,735 43,657 40,295 39,396 36,164 Subsidiaries t-CO2 388 2,818 3,325 2,470 1,823 Scope 3 total Tokyu Construction Group t-CO2 5,638,106 3,067,157 2,753,764 2,964,336 3,350,534 Tokyu Construction t-CO2 5,098,123 3,057,168 2,741,402 2,875,744 3,270,606 Subsidiaries t-CO2 8,002 9,989 12,362 88,593 79,928 Scope 3 (Category 11) Tokyu Construction Group t-CO2 5,080,677 2,463,978 2,247,148 2,087,411 2,541,488 Tokyu Construction t-CO2 5,074,300 2,462,795 2,246,035 2,072,066 2,528,305 Subsidiaries t-CO2 6,377 1,183 1,113 15,345 13,182 Scope 3 (Category 1)*4 Tokyu Construction Group t-CO2 531,981 544,043 478,622 848,938 776,932 Tokyu Construction t-CO2 501,860 536,408 468,257 777,558 711,642 Subsidiaries t-CO2 30,121 7,635 10,366 71,380 65,290 Scope 3 (other than categories 11 and 1) Tokyu Construction Group t-CO2 25,448 59,136 27,994 27,988 32,114 Tokyu Construction t-CO2 23,823 57,965 27,110 26,119 30,659 Subsidiaries t-CO2 1,625 1,171 883 1,868 1,455 Total emissions (Scope 1+2+3) Tokyu Construction Group t-CO2 5,684,230 3,113,632 2,797,384 3,006,202 3,388,521 Tokyu Construction t-CO2 5,143,858 3,100,825 2,781,697 2,915,139 3,306,770 Subsidiaries t-CO2 38,512 12,807 15,687 91,063 81,750 3:Emissions at the time of transporting earth dug out of construction sites have been added to Scope 1 from FY2019 onward as a direct emission from the Company.
4:Starting from fiscal year 2022, the calculation of Scope 3 (Category 1) emissions has been expanded by increasing the number of direct procurement materials used from 3 to 5 and including civil engineering work within the scope.
Greenhouse gas (GHG) emission intensity (based on net sales)
(Fiscal Year)
Indicator Unit 2018 2020 2021 2022 2023 Tokyu Construction Group Scope1 t-CO2/100 million yen 9.94 15.26 14.5 12.49 12.29 Scope2 t-CO2/100 million yen 3.89 4.61 2.31 2.38 1.01 Scope3 t-CO2/100 million yen 2,624.29 2,256.53 2,103.56 1,053.23 1,172.73 Tokyu Construction Scope1 t-CO2/100 million yen 10.67 15.43 14.32 13.21 12.93 Scope2 t-CO2/100 million yen 4.08 4.76 2.26 2.34 0.94 Scope3 t-CO2/100 million yen 2,632.95 2,298.99 2,305.96 1,135.35 1,254.91 Total subsidiaries Scope1 t-CO2/100 million yen 0.24 13.18 17.18 6.02 5.62 Scope2 t-CO2/100 million yen 1.40 2.76 3.07 2.75 1.65 Scope3 t-CO2/100 million yen 955.49 123.36 78.70 314.61 318.70 Scope 2 adopts a market-based approach
Reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions [compared to previous year ]
(Fiscal Year)
Indicator Unit 2018 2020 2021 2022 2023 Tokyu Construction Group Scope1 t-CO2 - 2,552.96 4,478.85 -2,461.05 -48.62 Scope2 t-CO2 - -2,201.06 -6,982.79 706.80 -3,829.80 Scope3 t-CO2 - -2,570,949.63 -2,884,342.18 210,572.34 386,197.11 Nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur oxides (SOx), and other air pollutant emissions
(Fiscal Year)
Category Unit Emission source 2020 2021 2022 2023 (Inside and outside Japan consolidated) (Inside and outside Japan consolidated) (Inside and outside Japan consolidated) (Inside and outside Japan consolidated) NOx t Electricity 8.1 8.2 11.4 11.1 Electricity (deduction for renewable electricity) *5 ― 4.6 5.0 2.2 Light oil 48.2 51.6 47.8 45.3 Total *6 56.3 56.2 64.2 47.5 SOx Electricity 6.8 6.9 9.5 9.3 lectricity (deduction for renewable electricity) *5 ― 3.9 4.2 1.8 Light oil 79.2 84.8 78.5 74.4 Total *6 86.0 88.7 92.3 76.2 Emission intensity
NOx: 0.310 g-NOx/kWh (electricity) 3.860 g-NOx/ℓ (light oil)
SOx: 0.260 g-SOx/kWh (electricity) 6.340 g-SOx/ℓ (light oil)
Source: “Understanding the Global Environmental Impact of Buildings” (former Building Construction social)
Data on air pollutants other than NOx and SOx (Persistent Organic Pollutants (POP), Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs), and Particulate Matter (PM)) was not collected on economic rationality grounds.5:SOx and NOx emissions are assumed to be zero for renewable-based electricity purchased from retail power suppliers and for in-house power generated using renewable energy sources.
6:Figures for FY2021 and later years show figures for electricity (renewable electricity deduction) + diesel fuel.
3-2. Energy consumed
(Fiscal Year)
Indicator Unit 2018
(Base year)2020 2021 2022 2023 Oils Tokyu Construction Group GJ 479,368 509,618 543,641 512,072 502,621 Tokyu Construction GJ 478,832 475,823 503,200 487,904 482,335 Subsidiaries GJ 536 33,795 40,441 24,168 20,285 Gases Tokyu Construction Group GJ 6,446 13,604 6,054 5,105 8,652 Tokyu Construction GJ 6,446 13,604 5,964 5,008 8,567 Subsidiaries GJ 0 0 90 97 85 Electricity Tokyu Construction Group MWh 25,670 26,235 26,591 36,660 35,827 Tokyu Construction MWh 24,972 25,264 25,538 35,019 34,545 Subsidiaries MWh 698 971 1,053 1,641 1,282 Total electricity from renewable energy sources Tokyu Construction Group MWh 0 2,368 12,954 21,850 28,742 Tokyu Construction MWh 0 2,368 12,954 21,800 28,429 Subsidiaries MWh 0 0 0 50 312 Trends in Energy Consumption Reduction *7 [compared to previous year and base year (2018)]
(Fiscal Year)
Indicator Unit 2018
(Base year)2020 2021 2022 2023 Total Amount Year-on-Year Tokyu Construction Group kl - 325 769 1,595 -354 Tokyu Construction kl - 468 576 1,873 -167 Subsidiaries kl - -143 194 -278 -187 Total Amount Compared to the Base Year Tokyu Construction Group kl - 1,102 1,871 3,466 3,112 Tokyu Construction kl - 177 753 2,626 2,459 Subsidiaries kl - 924 1,118 840 653 Intensity Tokyu Construction Group kl/100 million yen 5.62 8.48 7.94 7.69 7.65 Tokyu Construction kl/100 million yen 5.99 8.66 7.95 8.10 8.06 Subsidiaries kl/100 million yen 0.77 6.26 7.92 3.74 3.33 Intensity Year-on-Year Tokyu Construction Group kl/100 million yen - 2.44 -0.54 -0.26 -0.04 Tokyu Construction kl/100 million yen - 2.47 -0.72 0.15 -0.04 Subsidiaries kl/100 million yen - 1.79 1.66 -4.18 -0.41 Intensity Compared to the Base Year Tokyu Construction Group kl/100 million yen - 2.86 2.33 2.07 2.03 Tokyu Construction kl/100 million yen - 2.68 1.96 2.11 2.08 Subsidiaries kl/100 million yen - 5.49 7.15 2.97 2.56 7:Figures Converted to Crude Oil Equivalents
Reduction in Energy Required by Products and Services Sold During the Period
For fiscal year 2023, the reduction in required energy was calculated as the difference between the designed primary energy consumption (Et) and the standard primary energy consumption (Est) for buildings (17 cases) designed and constructed by our company. The difference (Est − Et) represents the energy reduction.
For details, please refer to the explanation of “Standards (base year, reference values, etc.) used in calculating energy consumption reductions, and the theoretical basis for the selection of these standards.”Number of project Total floor area (m²) Reduction (Est-Et) (GJ) Et(GJ) Est(GJ) Calculation method I 2 20,447.27 3,136.40 11,953.60 15,090.00 Calculation method II 13 117,666.34 61,427.16 94,813.71 156,240.87 3-3. Fuel consumed
(Fiscal Year)
Indicator Unit 2018
(Base year)2020 2021 2022 2023 Fossil fuel Tokyu Construction Group kl 12,739 13,526 14,433 13,566 13,346 Tokyu Construction kl 12,725 12,645 13,376 12,904 12,779 Subsidiaries kl 14 881 1,057 662 567 City gas Tokyu Construction Group Thousand Nm3 143 144 132 112 135 Tokyu Construction Thousand Nm3 143 144 130 110 134 Subsidiaries Thousand Nm3 0 0 2 2 2 LPG Tokyu Construction Group t 1 141 3 3 53 Tokyu Construction t 1 141 3 3 53 Subsidiaries t 0 0 0 0 0 3-4. Main materials
(Fiscal Year)
Indicator Unit 2018
(Base year)2020 2021 2022 2023 Ready-mixed concrete Tokyu Construction Group m3 237,512 535,280 300,213 582,960 577,685 Tokyu Construction m3 237,512 519,720 278,027 542,891 555,942 Subsidiaries m3 - 15,560 22,186 40,069 21,744 Cement Tokyu Construction Group t - - - 36,883 20,325 Tokyu Construction t - - - 36,245 20,120 Subsidiaries t - - - 638 206 Rebars Tokyu Construction Group t 21,171 38,916 58,167 109,123 63,544 Tokyu Construction t 21,171 37,771 55,999 105,957 61,710 Subsidiaries t - 1,145 2,168 3,166 1,834 Steel frame Tokyu Construction Group t 19,851 62,350 17,536 46,849 31,206 Tokyu Construction t 19,851 61,466 16,805 45,308 29,979 Subsidiaries t - 884 731 1,541 1,227 Steel Tokyu Construction Group t - - - 22,404 36,264 Tokyu Construction t - - - 22,372 36,252 Subsidiaries t - - - 32 12 Segment(RC) Tokyu Construction Group t - - - 4,404 4,074 Tokyu Construction t - - - 4,404 4,074 Subsidiaries t - - - 0 0 Segment(Steel) Tokyu Construction Group t - - - 682 92 Tokyu Construction t - - - 682 92 Subsidiaries t - - - 0 0 Segment(Composite) Tokyu Construction Group t - - - 749 0 Tokyu Construction t - - - 749 0 Subsidiaries t - - - 0 0 3-5. Waste generated
(Fiscal Year)
Indicator Unit 2018
(Base year)2020 2021 2022 2023 Waste generated*7 Tokyu Construction Group t 404,462 369,385 335,528 386,989 338,201 Tokyu Construction t 375,815 355,361 320,340 372,399 326,862 Subsidiaries t 28,647 14,024 15,187 14,590 11,339 Amount of recycle Tokyu Construction Group t 380,194 346,177 321,201 370,488 315,598 Tokyu Construction t 353,266 332,262 306,245 359,187 305,080 Subsidiaries t 26,928 13,915 14,956 11,301 10,518 Recycling rate Tokyu Construction Group % 94.0 93.7 95.7 95.7 93.3 Tokyu Construction % 94.0 93.5 95.6 96.5 93.3 Subsidiaries % 94.0 99.2 98.5 77.5 92.8 Final disposal rate *9 Tokyu Construction Group % 6.0 6.3 4.3 4.3 6.7 Tokyu Construction % 6.0 6.5 4.4 3.5 6.7 Subsidiaries % 6.0 0.8 1.5 22.5 5.2 8:The values for industrial waste in FY2021 have been revised.
9:Final disposal rate is: [100% - recycling rate].
3-6. Water consumption
(Fiscal Year)
Indicator Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023 Total water consumption ML 200 287 214 243 4. Method of Calculating Environmental Performance Data
4-1. Greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions
Category Definition and calculation method Source of emission factors, etc. Scope1 GHG emissions
= gas and oil consumption x GHG emission factor· Act on Rational Use of Energy and Conversion to Non-Fossil Energy (Energy Efficiency Act)
· Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures (Global Warming Act)
· Ministry of the Environment, “Calculation methods and emission factors for GHG calculating, reporting, and disclosure system”
· Ministry of the Environment, “Emission factors by electricity utility”Scope2 *10 GHG emissions
= electricity consumption x GHG emission factor· Act on Rational Use of Energy and Conversion to Non-Fossil Energy (Energy Efficiency Act)
· Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures (Global Warming Act)
· Ministry of the Environment, “Calculation methods and emission factors for GHG calculating, reporting, and disclosure system”
· Ministry of the Environment, “Emission factors by electricity utility”Scope3
(other categories)Total of categories 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 12, and 13 See below Scope3
(category 1)See below See below Scope3
(category 11)See below See below 10:Emissions in Scope 2 in Japan are calculated based on the market standard using the CO2 emission factor (after adjustment) (residual) of the emission factor by electricity utility based on the “GHG calculating, reporting, and disclosure system”.
Scope 3 Details
Calculation method: GHG emissions = activity x GHG emission factor
Main categories Main items Activity Source of emission factors, etc. Category 1 Tokyu Construction non-consolidated:
- Direct procurement *11
Civil Engineering Items: Raw Concrete, Cement, Rebar, Steel, Segment
(Work sites in Japan: 23, Work sites outside Japan: 5)
Construction Items: Raw Concrete, Cement, Rebar, Steel, Segment
(Work sites in Japan: 35, Work sites outside Japan: 1)
- Indirect procurement
Purchased products and services to be recorded as expenses· Direct procurement:
quantity of materials purchased
· Indirect procurement:
value of purchased products and services· Ministry of the Environment, “Emission intensity database for calculating greenhouse gas emissions by organizations throughout the supply chain (Ver. 3.4)” [5] Emission intensity based on the Input-Output table
· Sustainable Management Promotion Organization, “LCI database IDEA version 2.3 (for calculating supply chain GHG emissions)”Category 5 Tokyu Construction non-consolidated:
- General business waste generated from offices
- Industrial waste generated from construction sitesWaste generated by item · Ministry of the Environment, “Emission intensity database for calculating greenhouse gas emissions by organizations throughout the supply chain (Ver. 3.4)” [8] Emission intensity by waste type and treatment method, [9] Emission intensity by waste type, Table 8-3, Table 9 Category 11 Tokyu Construction non-consolidated:
Building construction completed during the calculation period (including new buildings, renovations, and extensions)Total floor area of completed building by building use x energy consumption intensity by building use x useful life *12 x BEI value · Ministry of the Environment, “Emission intensity database for calculating greenhouse gas emissions by organizations throughout the supply chain (Ver. 3.3)” [15]
(Reference) Energy consumption ratio by energy source by building use11:The overall amount is estimated by multiplying the material purchase quantities per value of finished work at the sampled work site by the value of finished work for the aggregation period.
12:The standard has been changed from the "CASBEE for Buildings (New Construction) 2016 Edition Assessment Manual" to the "BUILDINGS SECTOR SCIENCE BASED TARGET SETTING GUIDANCE (SBT)." Additionally, the service life for certain uses has been revised, and the service life has been standardized to 60 years for all uses.
4-2. Energy consumption calculation method
Items Scope of calculation Definition and calculation methods Source of definitions and calculation methods Gas and oil consumption ·Office:
Business locations (head office, branches, divisions, laboratories, factories): 38
·Construction sites *13:
-Work sites in Japan (civil engineering): 70
-Work sites in Japan (construction): 167
-Work sites outside Japan (civil engineering): 5
-Work sites outside Japan (construction): 1
·Subsidiaries in Japan: 3
·Subsidiaries outside Japan: 4·Gas and oil consumption = gases and oil purchased x calorific conversion factor *14,15
·Gases: city gas, LPG
·Oils: light oil, GTL, RD, BDF100, kerosene, gasoline, heavy oil·In Japan:
- Act on the Rational Use of Energy (Energy Efficiency Act)
- Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures (Global Warming Act)
·Outside Japan:
- Sustainable Management Promotion Organization, “LCI Database IDEA version 2 (for calculating supply chain GHG emissions)
- 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas InventoriesElectricity consumption including:
-Purchased renewable energy
-Purchased renewable energy certificates *16·Office:
Business locations (head office, branches, divisions, laboratories, factories): 38
·Construction sites *13:
-Work sites in Japan (civil engineering): 70
-Work sites in Japan (construction): 167
-Work sites outside Japan (civil engineering): 5
-Work sites outside Japan (construction): 1
·Subsidiaries in Japan: 3
·Subsidiaries outside Japan: 4Electricity consumption = Σ aggregate of bills from electricity utilities, etc. ·Act on the Rational Use of Energy (Energy Efficiency Act)
·Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures (Global Warming Act)
·Act on Special Measures Concerning Promotion of Utilization of Electricity from
Renewable Energy Sources (Renewable Energy Special Measures Act)13:Overall energy consumption is estimated by multiplying the energy consumption per value of finished work at the sampled worksite by the value of finished work for the aggregation period. Energy consumption is estimated by subtracting the reductions brought about by energy-saving operations from this amount.
14:City gas: calorific conversion factor 44.20 MJ/Nm3, LPG: 50.08 MJ/kg, Oils; Heavy oil A (in Japan): 38.90 MJ/L, light oil (in Japan): 38.04 MJ/L, kerosene (in Japan): 36.49 MJ/L, gasoline (in Japan): 33.36 MJ/L, RD(in Japan): 34.40MJ/L, BDF100: 35.60MJ/L
15:GTL is calculated using an emissions intensity of 2.396 t-CO2/kl, a figure based on data registered on the CO2 emissions of GTL when used as an alternative fuel to diesel fuel (8.5% less than diesel fuel) in the New Technology Information System (NETIS) database of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (reg. No. KT-190065-A).
- RD (Renewable Diesel): Fuel produced from waste cooking oil, non-edible oil, etc. Calculated using an emission intensity of 0.000 t-CO2/kL
- BDF100 (Bio Diesel Fuel): Biofuel for diesel engines produced by methyl esterification of rapeseed oil, waste cooking oil, etc. “100” is not blended with petrodiesel and uses 100% BDF. Calculated using an emission intensity of 0.000 t-CO2/kL16:Renewable energy includes the purchase of renewable energy, the purchase of renewable energy certificates, and the self-generation and consumption of renewable energy.
4-3. Waste generated
Items Scope of calculation Definition and calculation method Source of definitions and calculation methods Total amount of industrial waste ·Head office
All construction sites:
- Work sites in Japan (civil engineering): 109
- Work sites in Japan (construction): 391
- Work sites outside Japan (civil engineering): 5
- Work sites outside Japan (construction): 1
·Subsidiaries in Japan: 3
·Subsidiaries outside Japan:4Total amount of industrial waste = calculated by aggregating the values stated in manifests etc. for non-hazardous waste (construction waste) and hazardous waste (specially controlled waste) - Waste Management and Public Cleaning Act (Waste Management Act) Amount of recycle Same as above The remaining overall amount after excluding industrial waste sent directly to the final disposal site is counted as being recycled. Recycling rate(%) Same as above Rate of recycle =Amount of recycled /Total amount of waste Standards Used for Calculating Energy Consumption Reductions (Base Year, base Values, etc.) and Theoretical Basis for Standard Selection
Based on the building energy consumption performance standards specified in the "Act on the Improvement of Energy Consumption Performance of Buildings" (standards defined by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism for the structure and equipment of buildings necessary to ensure energy consumption performance, BEI), the design primary energy consumption (Et) derived from design specifications and the standard primary energy consumption (Est) derived from standard specifications are determined. The difference (Est − Et) is used to calculate the reduction in required energy. For the calculation of the Building Energy Index (BEI) under the building energy consumption performance standards, there are two methods: the Standard Input Method and the Model Building Method. In the Standard Input Method, both the design primary energy consumption (Et) and the standard primary energy consumption (Est) are calculated and established, and the BEI (Et/Est) is derived. On the other hand, the Model Building Method only calculates and establishes the BEI using a calculation program (Model Building Method Input Support Tool, developed by the Building Research Institute), and Et and Est are not separately calculated or established.
Due to differences in the data (BEI, Est, Et) calculated and established by the Standard Input Method and the Model Building Method, the calculation methods for energy reduction have been differentiated as follows:Calculation method I The reduction in required energy is calculated based on the design primary energy consumption (Et) and the standard primary energy consumption (Est) obtained from the Standard Input Method. Calculation method II Est and Et are calculated from the BEI obtained using the Model Building Method. To calculate the standard primary energy consumption (Est), the total floor area is multiplied by the energy consumption intensity for each building use (source: "Digest of the Report on Building Energy Consumption Survey 43," p. 6, June 2021, published by The Building-Energy Manager's Association of Japan, based on the 2019 energy consumption survey). This value (Est) is then multiplied by the BEI to calculate and establish the design primary energy consumption (Et). -
Governance data
1. Key participating organizations, external evaluations, and external initiative endorsements
Endorsements and membership Initiative Remarks (accredited organizations, etc. listed on the left) February 2020 Japan Business Federation(Keidanren) March 2021 Japan Association of New Economy(JANE) July 1970 Tokyo Chamber of Commerce and Industry September 2019 National Federation of UNESCO Associations in Japan February 2019 ZEB Planner
https://sii.or.jp/zeb04/planner/Sustainable open Innovation Initiative December 2019 UNESCO
https://www.unesco.or.jp/National Federation of UNESCO Associations in Japan April 2020 Science Based Targets initiative(SBTi)
https://sciencebasedtargets.org/CDP, World Resources Institute (WRI), World Wildlife Fund (WWF), United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) June 2020 CDP
https://japan.cdp.net/CDP Worldwide-Japan November 2020 Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)
https://www.fsb-tcfd.org/Financial Stability Board (FSB) January 2021 Japan Climate Leaders’ Partnership (JCLP)
https://japan-clp.jp/March 2021 Declaration of Partnership Building
https://www.biz-partnership.jp/index.htmlCouncil on Promoting Partnership Building for Cultivating the Future March 2021 RE100
https://www.there100.org/The Climate Group July 2021 ZEH Developer
https://sii.or.jp/meti_zeh_m04/Sustainable open Innovation Initiative October 2021 Eruboshi certification
https://shokuba.mhlw.go.jp/published/special_02.htmMinistry of Health, Labour and Welfare February 2022 Eco-First Program
https://www.env.go.jp/guide/info/eco-first/Ministry of the Environment March 2022 2022 Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations
https://www.meti.go.jp/policy/mono_info_service/healthcare/kenkoukeiei_yuryouhouzin.htmlMinistry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Nippon Kenko Kaigi May 2022 UNGC
https://www.ungcjn.org/gcnj/about.htmlUnited Nations May 2022 Global Compact Network Japan United Nations June 2022 Japan Business Initiative for Biodiversity (JBIB)
https://jbib.org/May 2022 Japan Hydrogen Association
https://www.japanh2association.jp/January 2023 Digital Transformation (DX) Certification
https://www.meti.go.jp/policy/it_policy/investment/dx-nintei/dx-nintei.htmlMinistry of Economy, Trade and Industry
- Environmental
- Social
- Governance