Environmental Policy

Environmental Policy

Basic Approach to Conserving the Environment

Tokyu Construction declared in its Environmental Charter enacted in 1997 that we would make every effort to protect the global environment.
Further, with increasing interest in the SDGs adopted in 2015 and in corporate ESG initiatives, we revised our existing Environmental Policy in 2019 to “promoting corporate management that focuses on environmental conservation in order to realize a sustainable society that achieves a harmonious balance between the environment and the economy.”
In March 2021, we established VISION 2030, which places the environment at the center of our corporate vision, and focuses on four initiatives: realizing a decarbonized society; realizing a recycling-oriented society; promoting initiatives to conserve biodiversity; and enhancing environmental education, and promoting initiatives in the supply chain to maintain a good environment. At the same time, we are further strengthening our efforts, including the review of our management system and the enhancement of information disclosure.
In February 2022, Tokyu Construction declared the four initiatives as our Eco-first Commitment under the Long-term Management Plan “To zero, from zero,” and was certified by Japan’s Minister of the Environment as an Eco-first Business.

We introduced the environmental management system (ISO 14001) in 1999, and expanded it to an integrated management system for all domestic divisions in 2004.

Environmental Charter

Basic Principles

At Tokyu Construction we make every effort to protect the environment and keep our planet livable

In line with our Corporate Philosophy’s stated purpose of “fulfilling each individual’s dreams through the creation of a reassuring and comfortable living environment,” we conduct our business with a focus on improving our living environment. We carry out business activities according to our Guidelines for Environmental Action, and make every effort to protect the environment and keep our planet livable and sustainable.

Guidelines for Environmental Action

1. Engaging in environmentally responsible construction

We will engage in environmentally responsible construction, which includes mitigating climate change, conserving biodiversity and effectively using resources.

2. Education and awareness programs and public information activities

We will conduct environmental education for our employees to help raise their environmental awareness and make them fully realize the importance and significance of our environmental conservation activities. We will also publicly disclose our environmental initiatives.

3. Forming social partnerships

We will participate in environmental conservation activities at the local level as well as in activities organized by academic institutions and associations, in order to fulfill our social responsibility.

4. Advancing technological development

We will actively develop technologies for environmental conservation as well as methodologies for environmental impact assessment and environmental management, in order to contribute to conserving the environment.

Environmental Policy

We will work to prevent contamination as well as protect the environment and promote corporate management that focuses on environmental conservation in order to realize a sustainable society that achieves a harmonious balance between the environment and the economy.

1. Clarifying laws and regulations to be complied with as well as promise to stakeholders

We clarify laws and regulations and promises to stakeholders that we should follow, and ensure our compliance with them.

2. Identifying risks and opportunities

We identify risks and opportunities related to the situation surrounding the Company, the relationship between our businesses and our business environment and laws and regulations and promises to stakeholders, and make efforts for reducing the risks while enhancing the opportunities.

3.Efforts to reduce environmental impact

  1. Promoting initiatives for conserving the environment and reducing activities that impact the environment
    • Preventing contamination of air, soil and water
    • Restricting noise, vibration and dust generated
    • Implementing biodiversity conservation
    • Restricting greenhouse gases and construction by-products released
    • Effectively utilizing resources and energy
  2. Developing, sophisticating and utilizing environmental technology
  3. Promoting designs that take global and local environments into consideration
  4. Contributing to local communities through the overall business operations

4. Enhancing the promotion structure for conserving the environment

In order to meet increasingly sophisticated environmental needs in society, we enhance the promotion structure for conserving the environment.

5. System operation and improvement

We establish, operate and continuously improve the environmental management system.

Revised on July 1, 2023

Environmental Management

Management System

  1. company-wide management review
    Chaired by the Representative Director/Vice President and with general managers of each division at the head office as members, the review meeting is held twice a year to discuss the status of operation of the company-wide environmental management system, problems, and corrective measures. The results are reported to the Central Environmental Committee.
  2. Central Environmental Committee
    Chaired by the Representative Director/Vice President and with general managers of each division at the head office as members, the committee meets twice a year to discuss and make decisions on the directions and feasibility of initiatives concerning major environmental issues. The results are reported to the Sustainability Committee and subsequently to the Board of Directors.

External certification of environmental management system

In 1999, we introduced an environmental management system and obtained certification (ISO 14001). We have maintained the certification by updating it seven times to date and will continue to do so in the future.

With the approval of recertification and expansion of registration (for overseas construction activities) and as of December 2023, the percentage of business sites with environmental management system certification will be 100% on Tokyu Construction.

Process of evaluating and managing environmental risk

Climate change is a pressing issue today. We support the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD) and its recommendations. We continuously identify the transition and physical risks and business opportunities, and implement our initiatives we set up based on our science-based targets (SBTs). We have also reviewed our business impact on the environment and identified risks and opportunities for our corporate sustainable growth. We then adopt the results to determine CO2 emissions reduction and industrial waste reduction as our material environmental issues, incorporate them into everyday work as targets, and implement improvements within our environmental management system that has obtained ISO 14001 certification.

Our Eco-First Commitment

Our Eco-First Commitment is a response to the Eco-First Program, a program by Japan’s Minister of the Environment to certify companies that are environmental leaders in their respective industries and are engaged in unique, visionary and industry-leading business activities in the environmental field. In February 2022, Tokyu Construction declared four initiatives as our Eco-First Commitment under the Long-term Management Plan “To zero, from zero.” and received the Eco-First Program Member certification.

Eco-First Program (Ministry of the Environment)

Our Eco-First Commitment

Brief Overview of Tokyu Construction’s Eco-First Commitment

1. Initiatives for a decarbonized society

  • 30% cut in greenhouse gas emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) by FY2030, 100% cut by FY2050
  • 30% cut in supply chain greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 3) by FY2030

2. Initiatives for a circular economy

  • We aim for a final disposal rate of 3% or less by FY2030, zero by FY2050

3. Initiatives for biodiversity conservation

  • We aim to obtain the Eco Test certification for all employees by FY2026

4. Action on the supply chain

  • Require energy conservation efforts, waste reduction, effective use of materials and proper disposal of plastics during construction
  • Encourage the use of renewable energy

Violations of Environmental Laws and Regulations

In FY2023, there were no cases of serious environmental violations, including fines or other penalties.