Radio Calisthenics/Exercise Daiba (No. 1 × Diversity)

Initiatives to eliminate workplace accidentsin the construction industry

Initiatives to eliminate workplace accidents
in the construction industry

Although workplace accidents in the construction industry have been declining, it is still at a high level when compared to other industries, comprising approximately 12% of casualties and 34% of fatal accidents within all industries, making construction site safety the highest priority. Furthermore, construction sites today have more elderly workers, inexperienced younger workers, and overseas workers, with different languages and backgrounds. Poor communication is also frequently a reason for workplace hazards.

Workplace accidents in the construction industry

    2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Casualties All industries 119,535 116,311 117,910 120,460 127,329
Construction industry 17,184 15,584 15,058 15,129 15,374
Deaths All industries 1,057 972 928 978 909
Construction industry 377 327 294 323 309

Source) Based on the Japan Construction Occupational Safety and Health Association’s transition of casualties and deaths (from 2014 and on)

Tokyu Construction has taken its 60th anniversary as an opportunity to boost communication during daily morning Radio Calisthenics/Exercise, by creating 12 patterns of Radio Calisthenics/Exercise in five Japanese dialects (standard dialect, Tohoku dialect, Nagoya dialect, Osaka dialect, Hakata dialect), and seven languages from six overseas countries (English, Chinese (Cantonese and Mandarin), Thai, Indonesian, Burmese and Vietnamese), with the belief that creating an atmosphere that promotes easier communication is the first step toward eliminating accidents.

We hope that selecting the languages according to one’s hometown will create opportunities for communication the first thing in the morning, nurturing relationships that will allow everyone to notice changes in their colleagues’ physical condition.

Radio Calisthenics/Exercise Daiba(No. 1 × Diversity)

Radio Calisthenics/Exercise Daiba
(No. 1 × Diversity)

This initiative will be promoted within Japan and overseas as well,
to contribute towards eliminating workplace accidents in the construction industry
as much as possible.

Cooperated by JAPAN POST INSURANCE Co., Ltd.

Promotional video version

This video features employees of Tokyu Construction and partner companies.

Daily use version

These videos feature a model doing calisthenics for everyday use.

Soundtracks are as same as promotional video version.

Tsugaru dialect

Video Video


Standard dialect Video Video
Osaka dialect Video Video
Hakata dialect Video Video
Tsugaru dialect Video Video
Nagoya dialect Video Video

Foreign languages

English Video Video
Chinese (Simplified) Video Video
Chinese (Cantonese) Video Video
Indonesian Video Video
Thai Video Video
Vietnamese Video Video
Burmese Video Video

Feel free to download the soundtracks.