- 1945
- Sept.
Tokyu Corporation installed an in-house temporary post-war reconstruction committee to consider the establishment of a construction company to be known as Tokyu Agency
- 1946
- Mar.
Tokyu Construction Industry Co., Ltd. was established
- 1954
- Aug.
Merger between Tokyu Land Corporation and the company’s Construction Industry Department
- 1959
- Nov.
Separated from the parent company; Tokyu Construction Co., Ltd (in Shibuya,Tokyo). was founded
- 1961
- Dec.
Established Sapporo Branch
- 1963
- Sept.
Listed on the Second Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange
- 1964
- Apr.
Established branches in Yokohama and Nagoya
- 1966
- Apr.
Established Osaka Branch
- 1967
- Jan.
Road Construction Unit was separated. Founded Tokyu Road KK (Seiki Tokyu Kogyo CO., LTD.currently)
- Aug.
Listed on the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange
- 1968
- Aug.
Established Kyushu Branch
- 1971
- June
Established Institute of Technology
- 1975
- Oct.
Established Sendai Branch (currently Tohoku Branch)
- 1976
- May
Established Overseas Division (currently International Division)
- 1977
- Aug.
Established a Housing and Residential Division
- 1992
- May
Opened New Institute of Technology
- 2000
- July
Introduced a Corporate Executive Officer System
- 2003
- Apr.
Established TC Holdings Co., Ltd.
- Oct.
Succeeded in the construction sector and changed the company listing to Tokyu Construction
Real Estate business sector is listed in the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange
- 2012
- Apr.
Established Shibuya Development Promotion Office
- 2013
- Apr.
Integrated the organization, moving from a general headquarters system to a divisional organization system; Reorganized Tokyo Branch, Yokohama Branch and Railway Construction Division to Civil Project Metropolitan Branch and Building Project Metropolitan Branch
- 2014
- June
Established Shibuya Development Promotion Office
- 2018
- Apr.
Reorganized the divisions and metropolitan branches
- 2020
- Apr.
Established Wooden Building Promotion Department (Reorganized Wooden Building Construction Division)
- 2021
- Apr.
Established Value Creation Office